About the map

What is this map

This map is a tool to help you, as a potential candidate for European Union funding, to find the Interreg programmes in your area that can finance a specific project in you area of expertise.

How Interreg funding works

Interreg may fund a specific project in your area given it fulfills the specific funding criteria. Many cooperation projects can fit an Interreg programme. At the moment there are 104 active programmes, catalogued in 18 thematic objectives.

With the map, you can find the programme that fits your project in your region, and in your thematic objective

The map

There are two maps which can be selected using the switch map view

  • Countries
  • Regions (NUTS 3 level)


Look for a programme in your region

By searching in the map

The interactive map can help you to select your region and see how many programmes are involved in your region.

Example, looking for programmes in Marseille, France


  • Click on France in the map
  • Zoom and click in the Marseille area (Bouches-du-Rhône)


By searching in the region list

The map is divided in the so called NUTS 3 regions, so you can use the list aside to select your region and see how many programmes are in it.

Example, looking for programmes in Marseille, France


  • Click on the ‘regions’ tab in the sidebar
  • Type ‘Bouches-du-Rhône’ in the input box or look for France in the list of countries
  • Click on ‘Bouches-du-Rhône’