Call for projects

Grand Région programme launches its 3rd call for projects

Grand Région programme launches its 3rd call for projects

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 20th December 2024

Website of the call
link to interreg-gr.eu22

  • Deadline for application 20th December 2024
  • Application starts on 4th November 2024
See all calls for projects Interreg Grande Région - Großregion programme logo 21-27
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The 3rd call for projects is open from November 04 to December 20, 2024.

Our Interreg Program encourages public, scientific, private and civil society organizations to cooperate towards a greener, more social Grande Région/Großregion with a better governance of cooperation.

The Grande Région/Großregion is a cross-border region that includes Lorraine (France), Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany), Wallonia and the German-speaking Community of Belgium (Belgium) and Luxembourg.

The actions of InterregGR projects must bring results to the Program’s cooperation territory, in the heart of the Grande Région/Großregion.

Projects are co-financed by the Interreg (ERDF) with a co-financing rate of up to 60% of total project costs.

The budget available for the 3rd call for projects is around 32 million euros ERDF.


This call for projects aims to support cross-border projects in many fields, such as:

  • administration, law and governance,
  • adaptation to climate change,
  • protection and preservation of nature
  • the labor market,
  • education, training and apprenticeships,
  • access to healthcare.


The call for projects is structured in two steps.

Projects passing the first step will be invited to the second stage for this call. In the second phase, projects can elaborate on their project idea into a full application.

Please get in touch with one of our local Contact Points, in French or German, before submitting your project ideas. They offer you tips and tricks for your application.

Get ready for your application

  • In French

  • In German

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  • GECT Autorité de Gestion Programmes Interreg Grande Région

  • +352 - 247 80 122
  • 11, bd J.F. Kennedy
    L-4170 Esch-sur-Alzette
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