The 15 cross-border cooperation programmes under the European Neighbourhood
Instrument are at the moment in full implementation, and over 900 cross-border
cooperation projects are running to date: from environmental protection to business
development, from infrastructures to people-to-people cooperation, they are building a
greener, more social, more cohesive Europe and its neighbourhood.
TESIM has analysed this precious material,
to find out how and in which sectors these
projects improve the lives of the citizens in
both Member States and Partner Countries,
paving the way to the future programming
cycle. As a result of this analysis, TESIM
has identified four thematic clusters of
1. Environment
2. Economic development
3. People-to-people cooperation
4. Cross-border infrastructure
These clusters are an attempt to show in a structured way the richness of the cross-border cooperation initiatives being implemented along the external borders of the EU.
While navigating through this virtual exhibition, you will be able to explore and discover
the many actions bringing a positive change to the populations of the concerned regions. For
this, we have selected those projects which we believe are the most representative ones
within each cluster and have arranged them according to subcategories. While showcasing
the broad diversity of interventions, this navigation scheme should also facilitate your search
in case you are interested in finding projects dealing with one specific topic. For each project
you will find a poster with basic data and, in some cases, also project stories that share with
you the voice of the actors engaged in their implementation.
The exhibition is by no means exhaustive, but it will grow overtime. We hope that you find it
engaging and that you will regularly show up to find out the latest entries.
Enjoy the visit!
The TESIM team