Call for projects

Call for Application

Call for Application

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 16th August 2023

Website of the call
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  • Deadline for application 16th August 2023
  • Application starts on 4th June 2023
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Projects with the following priorities can be submitted for the 3rd meeting of the Monitoring Committee:

  • Priority 1: Projects that contribute to activity type 2 (knowledge and technology transfer) can apply  . Potential projects must make a significant contribution to the output indicators O.01 (Enterprises supported) and O.02 (Enterprises with non-financial support) . The other output indicators in priority 1 can also be used.
  • Priority 2: We are particularly looking for projects that contribute to climate change adaptation and environmental protection through the implementation of a pilot activity. If possible, projects should relate to output indicators O.05 (construction or expansion of green infrastructure to adapt to climate change),O.07 (Green infrastructure supported for reasons other than climate change adaptation) and O.08 (Area of ​​Natura 2000 sites covered by protection and restoration measures) . The other output indicators in priority 2 can also be used.
  • Priority 3: Educational projects
  • Priority 4: Projects in the field of culture and sustainable tourism
  • Priority 5: Projects in the field of better interreg governance and encounter projects
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  • Sachgebiet 20 – Wirtschaftsförderung
    Ludwigstraße 20
    D - 95444 Bayreuth
  • Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy

  • +49 (0)89 2162-0
  • Bavarian Ministry or Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
    Referat 52
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    80538 München
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