Call for projects

Pre-announcement of Targeted Call for Proposals

Pre-announcement of Targeted Call for Proposals

Continuously open call

Website of the call
link to www.italy-albania-montenegro.eu39

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The Targeted Call for Proposals of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme is going to be launched by December 2018 and will be open for 60 calendar days from its official publication.

In order to timely inform all partners and potential applicants and to provide more time for developing the partnerships and the projects, please find all main features of the Targeted Call for Proposals in this pre-announcement:

  Preannouncement Targeted Call

  Preannouncement Targeted Call. Annex2 Small Projects

Please find here all necessary tools to develop your project:

  Preannouncement Targeted Call Applicants pack


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  • Puglia Region – Department for Economic Development, Innovation, Education, Training and Employment

  • Corso Sonnino, 177 – 70121 Bari (IT)
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