Call for projects

Second call for peer reviews

Second call for peer reviews

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 28th June 2019

Website of the call
link to www.interregeurope.eu29

  • Deadline for application 28th June 2019
  • Application starts on 16th April 2019
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Would you like to receive hands-on feedback from European peers on implementing regional policies? Apply for a peer review now!

Our interregional peer reviews allow managing authorities in charge of local or regional development policies to receive hands-on feedback from European regions (peers) on the implementation of programmes and policies.

How does it work?

Peers from a selected number of regions are invited to your region to examine the specific territorial and thematic context and make recommendations based on their experience and expertise. In general, this onsite visit lasts two days and consists of analysing the regional situation among peers, discussing approaches, solutions and recommendations, drafting a “to-do list” for follow-up action and receiving immediate feedback.

How do I apply to host a peer review?

Managing authorities, as well as public bodies responsible for local or regional development policies, who are interested in hosting a peer review can by filling out the form. Please see our terms of reference before you apply.

Your request will then be reviewed and assessed by our thematic experts. The deadline for the current call is 28 June 2019. The results of the call are expected in autumn 2019 and will also be announced online.

Only members of the Interreg Europe community can apply. Registration is free.

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