Interreg Talks: Why is cooperation central for Kai Böhme?
In our Interreg Talks, we ask experts, policy makers and partners cooperating beyond borders to share with us their thoughts on future of cohesion policy. Kai Böhme, the Director of Spatial Foresights and an expert on cohesion policy told us his how to make the best use of diversity in Europe and much more.
need translation with this page?We, people working for the transnational Interreg cooperation programmes believe that cooperation is central to find best fitting solutions for European citizens to make their lives easier. To all, in a fair and equal way, everywhere. Ultimately helping our cities and regions to build a smarter, greener and better-connected future.
But what do others say about this financially small but important part of the cohesion policy?
What is the future of Interreg programmes? How are they perceived and what is unique about them, their added value?
In the series of our Interreg Talks, we interview people willing to share their thoughts with us. Check what Kai Böhme, the renowned expert on cohesion policy in Europe and the director of Spatial Foresights told us about future of cohesion policy and cooperation in March 2023.