AEBR-Interact event: Tackling border obstacles and joining forces
Interact and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) will present the webinar “Tackling border obstacles” dedicated to Interreg programmes to build a better cross-border cooperation together. Many programmes face border obstacles which hinder successful cross-border cooperation.

The webinar will raise awareness about border obstacles and will present the b-solutions initiative of DG REGIO as a practical complement to Interreg programmes.
Participants will have the opportunity to directly ask people involved in b-solutions, representatives from Interreg programmes and the project team any questions they have.
Interact joins forces with AEBR, an association whose objective is to represent the common interests of border and cross-border regions and to promote cross-border cooperation. AEBR implements the b-solutions initiative on behalf of the European Commission to provide support addressing legal and administrative obstacles which still hamper cooperation across borders.
Register here to be part of this exciting event.