Europe, let’s cooperate! – sharing solutions for recovery and resilience
'Europe, let's cooperate!', the annual interregional cooperation forum organised by Interreg Europe, takes place online on 9 June 2020 (10-11:30 CEST).

‘Europe, let’s cooperate!‘, the annual interregional cooperation forum organised by Interreg Europe, takes place online on 9 June 2020 (10-11:30 CEST).
Regions all across Europe face the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic. And after 30 years of Interreg, we know that cooperation can help to find solutions. A special online edition of ‘Europe, let’s cooperate!’ focuses on helping regions face the COVID-19 crisis and become more resilient.
Policymakers and practitioners working on research and innovation, competitiveness of SMEs, low-carbon economy, or environment and resource efficiency will be able to:
- Learn from good practices to improve innovation in the health sector;
- Hear about tried-and-tested solutions to boost the competitiveness of regional businesses;
- Get inspiration for turning the greatest economic challenge of the century into a catalyst for Europe’s low-carbon growth;
- And get ideas for supporting culture and connecting people in times of social distancing.
‘Europe, let’s cooperate!’ shows how regions can work together and learn from each other’s solutions to pave the way of the crisis. Join the online event to discover inspiring ideas and solutions. Register now.