Young journalists trying their wings at the Interreg annual event – articles open for vote

The Interreg family might have paid attention to a crowd of six young Romanian students at the Interreg Annual Event in Bucharest on 22 May. They were Romanian students of journalism, taking part in the Youth4Regions blogging contest organised in cooperation by DG Regio and Interact. The students’ task was to take part in one of the three project visits offered to the meeting participants, and to report back on the achievements of the project. Now their articles are published on the Interreg Highlights and are open for voting!
The Youth4Region contest opens doors to young Europeans to become active in communicating Europe. It adds new voices to the choir and sparks our interest by providing a fresh point of view. The journalist with most votes on his/her article by 14 June will win a trip to the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels in October.
So, please, go and read, vote, get inspired and spread the link to your networks to show your support to the European youth!