Mediterranean Sea Basin ENI CBC
- www.enicbcmed.eu
The ENI CBC Med Programme launches a new call for proposals: €11 million to finance capitalisation projects
- Cyprus whole country
- More details about Cyprus
- Greece whole country
- More details about Greece
- Malta whole country
- More details about Malta
- San Marino whole country
- More details about San Marino
- Jordan whole country
- More details about Jordan
- Palestine whole country
- More details about Palestine
- Israel whole country
- More details about Israel
- Lebanon whole country
- More details about Lebanon
- France nuts 3 level
- Ain
- Allier
- Alpes-Maritimes
- Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
- Ardèche
- Ariège
- Aude
- Aveyron
- Bouches-du-Rhône
- Cantal
- Corse-du-Sud
- Drôme
- Gard
- Haute-Corse
- Haute-Garonne
- Haute-Loire
- Haute-Savoie
- Hautes-Alpes
- Hérault
- Isère
- Loire
- Lozère
- Puy-de-Dôme
- Pyrénées-Orientales
- Rhône
- Savoie
- Tarn
- Var
- Vaucluse
- More details about France
- Italy nuts 3 level
- Agrigento
- Alessandria
- Ancona
- Arezzo
- Ascoli Piceno
- Asti
- Avellino
- Bari
- Barletta-Andria-Trani
- Benevento
- Biella
- Bologna
- Brindisi
- Cagliari
- Caltanissetta
- Campobasso
- Carbonia-Iglesias
- Caserta
- Catania
- Catanzaro
- Chieti
- Cosenza
- Crotone
- Cuneo
- Enna
- Fermo
- Ferrara
- Firenze
- Foggia
- Forlì-Cesena
- Frosinone
- Genova
- Grosseto
- Imperia
- Isernia
- L'Aquila
- La Spezia
- Latina
- Lecce
- Livorno
- Lucca
- Macerata
- Massa-Carrara
- Matera
- Medio Campidano
- Messina
- Modena
- Napoli
- Novara
- Nuoro
- Ogliastra
- Olbia-Tempio
- Oristano
- Palermo
- Parma
- Perugia
- Pesaro e Urbino
- Pescara
- Piacenza
- Pisa
- Pistoia
- Potenza
- Prato
- Ragusa
- Ravenna
- Reggio di Calabria
- Reggio nell'Emilia
- Rieti
- Rimini
- Roma
- Salerno
- Sassari
- Savona
- Siena
- Siracusa
- Taranto
- Teramo
- Terni
- Torino
- Trapani
- Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
- Vercelli
- Vibo Valentia
- Viterbo
- More details about Italy
- Portugal nuts 3 level
- Alentejo Central
- Alentejo Litoral
- Algarve
- Alto Alentejo
- Baixo Alentejo
- Lezíria do Tejo
- Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
- More details about Portugal
- Spain nuts 3 level
- Albacete
- Alicante / Alacant
- Almería
- Badajoz
- Barcelona
- Castellón / Castelló
- Ciudad Real
- Cuenca
- Cáceres
- Cádiz
- Córdoba
- Girona
- Granada
- Guadalajara
- Huelva
- Huesca
- Jaén
- Lleida
- Murcia
- Málaga
- Sevilla
- Tarragona
- Teruel
- Toledo
- Valencia / València
- Zaragoza
- More details about Spain
- Egypt nuts 3 level
- Alexandria
- Beheira
- Dakahlia
- Damietta
- Gharbia
- Ismailia
- Kafr El Sheikh
- Matruh
- Monufia
- Port Said
- Qalyubia
- Sharqia
- Suez
- More details about Egypt
- Tunisia nuts 3 level
- Ariana
- Béja
- Ben Arous
- Bizerte
- Gabès
- Gafsa
- Jendouba
- Kairouan
- Kebili
- Kef
- Mahdia
- Manouba
- Medenine
- Monastir
- Nabeul
- Sfax
- Sidi Bouzid
- Siliana
- Sousse
- Tataouine
- Tunis
- Zaghouan
- More details about Tunisia
- France nuts 3 level
We make cooperation happen in the Mediterranean!
Home to some of the world’s most ancient civilizations, hub for trade and transport, unique hotspot for biodiversity, the Mediterranean faces a multitude of common challenges, including climate change, pollution, youth unemployment and social inequality. Acting together to address these challenges and improve the lives of men and women across the region is the impetus for the 2014-2020 ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme”, the largest Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) initiative implemented by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 countries in view of fostering fair, equitable development on both sides of the Mediterranean. Through calls for proposals, ENI CBC Med finances cooperation projects for a more competitive, innovative, inclusive and sustainable Mediterranean area.
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – Presidency
- Via Bacaredda, 184
09127 Cagliari
Italy Anna Maria Catte, Director-General
Martin Heibel, Communication officer
- +39 070 606 2482
Aldo Puleo, Programme officer
- +39 070 606 7069
Alessandro Pischedda, IT officer
- +39 070 606 2451
Alessandra Mura, Programme officer
- +39 070 606 4472
Giuseppina Orofino, Administrative assistant
- +39 070 606 2499
Operational management and authorizing unit
- Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – Presidency
Via Bacaredda, 184
09127 Cagliari
Italy Elisabetta Neroni, Director
- +39 070 606 2545
Agnese Attene, Programme officer
- +39 070 606 5428
Daniela Boi, Programme officer
- +39 070 606 8030
Silvia Cubadda, Programme officer
- +39 070 606 2433
Maria Giovanna Pinna, Programme officer
- +39 070 606 2309
Cinzia Maria Turri, Programme officer
- +39 070 606 2992
Accounting and payments unit
- Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – Presidency
Via Bacaredda, 184
09127 Cagliari
Italy Antonella Giglio, Director
- +39 070 606 4290
Michela Ancis, Financial officer
Antonella Cadelano, Financial officer
Damiano Sulis, Financial assistant
- +39 070 606 4290
Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development
- 29 Byronos Avenue
Nicosia Constantia Constantinou, Planning officer
- +357 22602949
Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation
- 8 Adly Street, Downtown Cairo
Marwa Salah, In charge of EU-funded programnes
- + 202 23916653 ext 3905
Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - European Territorial Cooperation
- +33 (0) 4 91 57 56 06
- 27 Place Jule Guesde
13481 Marseille CEDEX 20 Patricia Di Biase, Chargée de mission
Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes
- 65 Georgikis Scholis Ave.,
GR-57001, Thessaloniki Yiorgos Simos
- +30 2310 469655
Vasilis Gavrielides
- +30 2310 469633
Department for Multilateral European Institutions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 9 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd.
Jerusalem 91035 Amit Mekel, First Secretary
- +972 2 530 3795
Region Puglia - Coordination of international policies
- Lung.re Nazario Sauro 31/33
70125 Bari Claudio Polignano, Officer - International cooperation
- +39 080 540 6552
Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation
- Third Circle, Tawflq Abu Al Huda Street
Amman, Jabal Amman Emad Shana’ah, Head of EU Partnership and Programmes Division
- +962 6 4644466 - Ext.: 310
Presidency of Council of Ministers
- Riad El Solh Square
Beirut Mohamad Itani, Engineer-Economic Expert
- +961 983022 ext 3555
Office of the Prime Minister Funds and Programmes Division
Ms Abigail Camilleri (Director Funds)
- 0035622001116
Ms Maria Catania (Programme Manager EU Funds)
- 0035622001160
Office of the Prime Minister
- Ramallah
Laila Awartani, Director of coordination and follow-up
- +972 (0) 595550071
Agency for Development and Cohesion, Territorial Cooperation Unit
- Av. 5 de Outubro, 153
1050-053 Lisboa Raquel Rocha, Territorial Cooperation Coordinator
- +351 218 814 043
Olivério Graça, Territorial Cooperation National Correspondant
- +351 218 814 026
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation - Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas
José Luis Lozano, Deputy Director General for External Relations and EU Commercial Affairs
- + (34) 91-3798406
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Serrano Galvache 26
28071 Madrid Maria de los Angeles Uriarte, Directora de Programas
- + (34) 91-5835091
- Ministry of Finance and Public Administration
Pº de la Castellana, 162
Ministère de l’investissement, du développement et de la coopération internationale
- 98 Avenue Mohamed V
Le Belvédère 1002, Tunis Samira Rafrafi, Directrice
- +216 71 798 704
Generalitat Valenciana
- C/Caballeros, 9
46001 Valencia
Spain Vincent Ernoux, Coordinator
- +34 963868173
Joumana Sweiss, Officer
- +34 963868172
Laura Bas, Officer
- +34 963868164
Alejandro Lafarga, Officer
- +34 963868131
Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA)
- +962 3 2091000 (Ext 3439/3440)
- P.O. Box 2565
Aqaba 77110
Jordan Esmat AlKaradsheh, Coordinator
Mohammad Al Hamoury, Accountant and administrator
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna - Direzione generale dei Servizi Finanziari dell’Assessorato della Programmazione, Bilancio, Credito e Assetto del territorio - Servizio Certificazione PO FESR – FSE – FSC e Autorità di Audit PO ENI CBC Med
- +39 070 606 4757 (fax)
- Via Cesare Battisti s.n.
09123 Cagliari