Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC
- www.ro-ua.net
- Romania nuts 3 level
- Botoşani
- Maramureş
- Satu Mare
- Suceava
- Tulcea
- More details about Romania
- Ukraine nuts 3 level
- Odessa Oblast
- Chernivtsi Oblast
- Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
- Zakarpattia Oblast
- More details about Ukraine
- Romania nuts 3 level
The general objective of the Romania-Ukraine Programme is to enhance the economic development and to improve the quality of life of the people in the programme area through joint investments in education, economic development, culture, infrastructure and health while ensuring the safety and security of the citizens in the two countries. In addition to the thematic objectives below, a number of important elements for successful, sustained and inclusive cross border cooperation are ensured as horizontal modalities to be deployed through the programme. These are democracy, participation and human rights; equal opportunities (promotion of gender equality, and opportunities for youth and elders); environmental sustainability and HIV/AIDS.
Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration
- +4 0372111332
- 14 Libertatii Avenue, 040129 Bucharest 5
Iulia Hertzog
- +4 0372111332
Daniela Surdeanu, Communication officer
- +40 372111332
- Fax: +40 372111456
Mrs. Adriana Nicula, communication coordinator
- +40 230 530 049
- CBC Regional Office Suceava
Bistriţei Street, no 8A, DAE Office Center Building, Suceava, Romania
Fax: +40230 530 055
Branch Office in Chernivtsi: “Bukovinian Agency of Initiatives and Development”
- 20, O. Kobylanska Str., Apt. 10, Chernivtsi 5800, Ukraine
Julian Andriiesh, key expert
- +380 502 93 45 99
Olena Varvariuk, key expert
- +380 668 76 29 16
- › ex-ante approvals on communication
› information materials, according to Programme’s visual identity requirements