Interreg ALCOTRA (France – Italy)
- www.interreg-alcotra.eu
- France nuts 3 level
- Alpes-Maritimes
- Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
- Haute-Savoie
- Hautes-Alpes
- Savoie
- More details about France
- Italy nuts 3 level
- Cuneo
- Imperia
- Torino
- Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste
- More details about Italy
- France nuts 3 level
- Research, development, and innovation
- Digital uses
- Resilience to climate change
- Biodiversity
- Renewable energies
- Mobility
- Education
- Health
- Tourism and culture
- Valorise the experience of integrated territorial plans, a unique feature in the European landscape
- Articulate a bottom-up approach close to the needs of territories and in line with regional development strategies
- Overcome legal and administrative obstacles through the implementation of new governance
- Involve beneficiaries with the necessary skills in specific areas
Public administrations, universities and research centers, nature parks, consular chambers, innovation centers and business sectors. For this new program, micro-projects will be funded to support new types of beneficiaries who carry out cooperation projects on a smaller scale. They are located in the departments of Alpes de Haute Provence, Hautes-Alpes, Alpes-Maritimes, Savoie and Haute-Savoie, the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta, the Provinces of Imperia and Cuneo, and the Metropolitan City of Turin.
How to submit a project?
The Managing Authority publishes calls for proposals on www.interreg-alcotra.eu. Projects must involve at least one partner from each country in the Programme. After planning the actions, the lead partner submits the application file on the Synergie-CTE platform: https://cte.synergie-europe.fr.
- +39 011 4367700+33 4 26 73 69 70+33 4 26 73 69 72+33 4 26 73 69 73
- Get the up-to-date contact and information in in interreg-alcotra.eu at:
Northern Alps (Savoie, Haute-Savoie)
- Conseil départemental de la Savoie
Service des affaires agricoles et européennes
Hôtel du Département
73000 Chambéry France - Get the up-to-date contact and information in in interreg-alcotra.eu at:
Southern Alps (Alpes de Hautes Provence, Hautes Alpes, Alpes Maritimes)
- Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Antenne régionale de Digne-les-Bains – Immeuble les Colonnes
19 rue du Dr Honnorat
04000 Digne-les-Bains France - Get the up-to-date contact and information in in interreg-alcotra.eu at:
Valle d'Aosta
- Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta
Dipartimento politiche strutturali e affari europei
Ufficio di Rappresentanza a Bruxelles - Cooperazione territoriale
Reg. Borgnalle, 12
11100 Aosta Italia - Get the up-to-date contact and information in in interreg-alcotra.eu at:
Liguria (Provincia d'Imperia)
- Regione Liguria
Settore Sviluppo strategico del tessuto produttivo e dell'economia ligure
Via Roma - Località San Giorgio 18035 Dolceacqua - Get the up-to-date contact and information in in interreg-alcotra.eu at:
Piemonte (Provincia di Cuneo and Torino)
- Regione Piemonte
Direzione Opere pubbliche, difesa del suolo, montagna, foreste, protezione civile, trasporti e logistica
Settore Cooperazione Transfrontaliera e Programmazione Integrata
Corso Stati Uniti, 21
10128 Torino - Get the up-to-date contact and information in in interreg-alcotra.eu at:
Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
- Get the up-to-date contact and information in in interreg-alcotra.eu at: