Interreg Aurora
- www.interregaurora.eu
Third call for small-scale projects Interreg Aurora
- Finland nuts 3 level
- Etelä-Pohjanmaa
- Kainuu
- Keski-Pohjanmaa
- Lappi
- Pohjanmaa
- Pohjois-Karjala
- Pohjois-Pohjanmaa
- More details about Finland
- Norway nuts 3 level
- Trøndelag
- Nordland
- Troms og Finnmark
- More details about Norway
- Sweden nuts 3 level
- Gävleborgs län
- Jämtlands län
- Norrbottens län
- Västerbottens län
- Västernorrlands län
- More details about Sweden
- Finland nuts 3 level
Interreg Aurora is a brand new programme in the European Interreg community for cross-border cooperation 2021-2027.
The programme offers great opportunities and enables new and exciting cross-border cooperation in the northernmost part of Europe and Sápmi. The Interreg Aurora has a unique feature, the Programme is integrated with Sápmi and the indigenous Sami people.
Great ideas know no borders
The overall goal of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 is to encourage cross-border collaboration and thereby strengthening the competitiveness, sustainability and attractiveness of the Programme area through social inclusion, digitalisation and green transition.
Sustainable development is an overarching goal in Interreg Aurora. The three dimensions of sustainable development – social, ecological and economic sustainability – will therefore be taken into account as horizontal principles.
The total funding for the Interreg Aurora Programme is approximately 205 million Euro, including EU-funding, Norwegian IR-funding and national co-funding.
County Administrative Board of Norrbotten
- +46 10-225 50 00
- Stationsgatan 5
971 86 Luleå
SWEDEN Tina Nilsson, Programme Director
- +46 10 225 52 89
- County Administrative Board Norrbotten, Luleå
Jonas Wasserman, Programme Financial Officer
- +46 10 225 54 53
- County Administrative Board Norrbotten, Luleå
Veronica Estling, Programme Financial Officer
- +46 10 225 52 78
- County Administrative Board Norrbotten, Luleå
Anna-mari Ruisniemi, Communication Officer
- +46 10 225 54 17
- County Administrative Board Norrbotten, Luleå
Christoffer Björkman, Programme Analyst
- +46 10 225 55 28
- County Administrative Board Norrbotten, Luleå
Anders Linga, Programme Officer
- +47 78 47 40 35
- Sámediggi, Norwegian Sámi Parliament, Snåsa
Anna-Mari Auniola, Programme Officer
- +358 40 076 23 72
- Regional Council of Lapland, Rovaniemi
Gabriel Bölske, Programme Officer
- +46 10-225 44 80
- County Administrative Board Västerbotten, Umeå
Ian Jawahir, Programme Officer
- +47 77 78 81 68
- Troms and Finnmark County Council, Tromsø
Kjerstin Valkeapää, Programme Officer
- +46 980 780 53
- Sámediggi, Swedish Sámi Parliament, Östersund
Outi Paadar, Programme Officer
- +358 40 563 9980
- Sámediggi , Finnish Sámi Parliament, Inari
Susanna Ehrs, Programme Officer
- +358 40 585 4270
- Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, Vaasa