Interreg Öresund – Kattegat – Skagerrak
- interreg-oks.eu
- Denmark nuts 3 level
- Bornholm
- Byen København
- Københavns omegn
- Nordjylland
- Nordsjælland
- Vest- og Sydsjælland
- Vestjylland
- Østjylland
- Østsjælland
- More details about Denmark
- Norway nuts 3 level
- Oslo
- Viken
- Vestfold og Telemark
- Agder
- More details about Norway
- Sweden nuts 3 level
- Hallands län
- Skåne län
- Västra Götalands län
- More details about Sweden
- Denmark nuts 3 level
What is Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak?
It is an EU programme that works to strengthen European territorial cooperation, meaning cooperation across borders. We do this by providing funding for projects that aim to solve common societal challenges by finding common solutions across country borders in southern Scandinavia. Our motto is: Vi går over grænsen. We go over the border.
Where can you find us?
Our projects operate across these 11 Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian regions around Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak; Skåne, Halland, Västra Götaland, Hovedstaden, Sjælland, Midtjylland, Nordjylland, Agder, Oslo, Vestfold and Telemark, and Viken. Our employees can be found at our offices in Copenhagen, Gothenburg, and Malmö.
What is a project?
For us, a project consists of a partnership between at least two actors from at least two of the three countries that the program operates in. The actors can be both public and private organizations, but not individual entrepreneurs or private individuals. A project must also meet specific criteria to receive support, including fitting into our four focus areas. Our main projects typically have a three-year duration, while our pre-projects are typically one-year long.
Where does the project financing come from? Most of the money we invest in projects comes from the European Regional Development Fund. In projects with Norwegian partners, the money also comes from the Norwegian state, as Norway is not a member of the EU. Projects that receive funding from us must also provide a certain level of co-financing (40 percent).
Is Interreg right for you?
Do you and your partners have an idea within one of our focus areas? Do you want to collaborate across borders? Do you have a handle on the financing? With guidance from us, you can prepare to apply for funding for an Interreg project.
For those who want to apply for support
- If you are in the Kattegat / Skagerrak area and want to know more about the program and its project development opportunities, you are welcome to contact the project advisors in Gothenburg. We do our best to answer your questions and provide feedback and guidance
Att. Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak
Box 112 78
404 26 Gothenburg
Visiting address:
Kilsgatan 4
411 04 Gothenburg - Get the up-to-date contact details in Göteborg on interreg-oks.eu at:
- If you are a project applicant and are located around Öresund, you are welcome to contact the project advisors in Copenhagen
Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Committee
Att. Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerak
Nørregade 7B, 3rd floor
DK-1165 Copenhagen K - Get the up-to-date contact details in Göteborg on interreg-oks.eu at:
- If you have questions about law, communication, finance or management of the Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak, please feel free to contact the Malmö office.
Att. Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak
Box 32
201 20 Malmö
Visiting address:
Östra Promenaden 3
211 28 Malmö - Get the up-to-date contact on https://interreg-oks.eu/ at:
- Norwegian Managing Organization is located in Sarpsborg, Norway. You can contact Norwegian managing organization if you have questions about Norwegian management of the program. If you have questions about project funding, please contact the secretariat in Copenhagen and Gothenburg
Viken fylkeskommune
Postboks 220
N-1702 Sarpsborg
Visiting address:
Oscar Pedersens vei 39
1702 Sarpsborg - Get the up-to-date contact on https://interreg-oks.eu/ at: