Interreg Botnia – Atlantica
- www.botnia-atlantica.eu
- Sweden nuts 3 level
- Gävleborgs län
- Västerbottens län
- Västernorrlands län
- More details about Sweden
- Finland nuts 3 level
- Etelä-Pohjanmaa
- Keski-Pohjanmaa
- Pohjanmaa
- More details about Finland
- Sweden nuts 3 level
- Gävleborgs län
- Västerbottens län
- Västernorrlands län
- More details about Sweden
- Norway nuts 3 level
- Nordland
- More details about Norway
- Sweden nuts 3 level
- Gävleborgs län
- Västerbottens län
- Västernorrlands län
- More details about Sweden
- Sweden nuts 3 level
Botnia-Atlantica is a cross-border cooperation programme financing projects between Sweden, Finland and Norway. Through collaboration across national borders the programme contributes to increased capacity for innovation, strengthened business sector, developed natural and cultural heritages and improved communications in east-west direction.
The Botnia-Atlantica programme aims at overcoming challenges that are characteristic for the programme area. These include long distances, sparsely populated areas and availability of communications mainly in south-north direction. By utilizing common resources like natural resources, well-educated women and men as well as complementary trades the preconditions of the programme area can be developed within innovation, business, environment and transport.
Joint secretariat
- +46 (0)10 225 40 00
- Managing authority/ Secretariat
Länsstyrelsen i Västerbotten, 901 86 UMEÅ Gabriel H Bölske, Head of secretariat (parental leave)
- +46 (0)10 225 44 80
Jon Fransson, Desk officer
- +46 (0)10 225 44 92
Sara Sundbaum, Desk officer
- +46 (0)10 225 44 99
Secretariat in Finland
- Pohjanmaan liitto
65100 Vaasa Susanna Ehrs, Desk officer
- +46 40 585 4270
Secretariat in Norway
- Nordland fylkeskommune
8048 Bodø Gunnhild Aasmoe
- +47 75650351
Länsstyrelsen i Västerbotten
- +46 (0)10 225 40 00
- Länsstyrelsen i Västerbotten
901 86 Umeå Jenny Bergkvist, Programme director
- +46 (0)10 225 44 73
Åsa Ericsson, Programme controller
- +46 (0)10 225 44 93
Linda Wormö, Programme controller (on parental leave)
- +46 (0)10 225 45 03