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Interreg Highlights

Alice Crocco and her colleague Vito during the meeting interviewing EWA partner

Seven Mediterranean countries unite to tackle urban water problems

By Alice Crocco

Severe droughts and water shortages are becoming alarmingly common in the Mediterranean region, driven by the accelerating impacts of climate change. The URWAN project (Urban Regenerative Water Avant-garde (N)), supported by the Interreg EURO-med programme,

Have you ever wondered what Interreg is doing near you?

From July to October, discover the impact of Interreg by attending one of the many events organised across Europe for Interreg Cooperation Day. Yes, you read that right. Interreg Cooperation Day officially takes place on

Are there Interreg cooperation hubs in Europe?

By Rafael Agostinho and Eva Martínez

For more than thirty years, Interreg has been enabling regions to work with each other across borders. Some have been cooperating more intensely than others. What makes them special and how can we see the

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