Interreg 2 Seas

8th April 2019
8th Call for proposals
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    Interreg 2 Seas 2014-2020 is a European Territorial Cooperation Programme covering England, France, the Netherlands and Belgium  (Flanders). The Programme is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and has a total of €241m ERDF to co-finance  projects in the 2014 – 2020 period.

    Programme overall objective

    The overall objective is to develop an innovative, knowledge and research based, sustainable and inclusive 2 Seas area, where natural resources are protected and the green economy is promoted. In order to realise this, projects that directly contribute to one of the Specific Objectives can be part-financed for up to 60 % of their total project budget. Next to these Specific Objectives, projects are also encouraged to
    take into account the two 2 Seas cross-cutting themes: “support to SMEs” and the “Maritime dimension”.

    Who can participate

    Interreg 2 Seas supports many kinds of organisations. These include:

    • Public organisations (national, regional or local authorities)
    • Organisation that fall within public law (e.g. universities, chambers of commerce, trade unions)
    • Private organisations (micro, small, medium and large enterprises)
    • Not-for-profit organisations

    The minimum partnership requirements are:

    • at least two organisations from 2 different Member States of the Programme area.
    • at least one UK partner.
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