Interreg France (Mayotte / Comores / Madagascar)

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The managing authority of the programme is the Prefecture of Mayotte.

The funding comes from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the main instrument of European economic, social and territorial cohesion policy, which aims to contribute to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy in Mayotte by supporting investment for growth and employment, and the strengthening of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC).

The programme must allow the development of “win-win” exchanges and privileges the co-development of the island of Mayotte with the third country.

The Union of Comoros has accepted the terms of cooperation with the island of Mayotte around three areas of collaboration:

  • Axis 1: Increase trade in the cooperation zone
  • Axis 2: Facilitate access to the health of all populations in the cooperation area and contribute to public health
  • Axis 3: Structure, develop the training offer and organize mobility in the cooperation area
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  • +262 (0)2 69 63 90 00
  • Secrétariat Général pour les Affaires Régionales de la préfecture de Mayotte
    Pôle Europe
    Immeuble « La Palme d’Or » 2e étage
    Rond-point El Farouk 97 600 Kawéni
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