Logo Slovenia Hungary programme

Interreg Slovenia – Hungary

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The Interreg programme Slovenia-Hungary is a European Union funding programme that supports cross-border cooperation. Cooperation between Slovenia and Hungary started in the middle of the 90s and resulted in an accumulation of valuable experiences regarding the EU territorial cooperation between the management bodies but also among relevant stakeholders from the two countries. Administrative and implementing arrangements introduced in each of the programming period gradually improved conditions for cooperation, such as joint calls for proposals, joint projects, lead partner principle and contributed to eliminating some important obstacles.

Programme Area

The Interreg Programme Slovenia-Hungary programme area for the period 2021-2027 includes the following eligible NUTS 3 regions:

– Slovenia: Pomurje and Podravje;

– Hungary: Vas and Zala counties.

map Slovenia Hungary programme

The territory covers 10.627 km2 in total, two-thirds of the area belong to the Hungarian, and one-third to the Slovenian border region, divided by a border of 102 km in length. Population density is 90,6 persons/km2 which is way under EU-27 average. Podravje region is the most densely populated due to Maribor (the second biggest city in Slovenia), while the other regions are more sparsely populated, showing rural characteristics.

The settlement structure of the programme area shows duality features: besides some important larger cities, the majority of the area’s extent is a typically rural, rarely populated region with lots of small villages. The programme area is characterised by various types of landscape: flat Pannonian areas (Pomurje, Podravje, Vas) are varying with hilly (Podravje, Zala) and subalpine territories (Pomurje, Vas).

Financing and budget

Programme mission and vision

The programme area between Slovenia and Hungary has identified several potentials, needs and challenges expressed by the actors in the programme area that clearly show that the territory is ahead of important transitions that can be jointly addressed. The programme is focusing on a limited number of thematic areas and will pool resources to drive the change and take opportunity for increased level of cooperation capacity, new development and common solutions to challenges identified.

The vision of the cross-border programme is to contribute to an active and cooperating border/programme region aware of its environmental, natural and cultural values, through promoting sustainable utilisation, preservation and exploitation for tourism purposes, setting up a well identifiable and attractive green tourism destination.

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  • Joint Secretariat Slovenia-Hungary

  • Government office of the Republic of Slovenia for Development and European Cohesion policy (GODC)

    European Territorial Cooperation and Financial Mechanism Office, Cross-border Programmes Management Division
    Trubarjeva 11
    SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
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