Call for projects

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 27th October 2023

Website of the call
link to www.interreg-francesuisse.eu36

  • Deadline for application 27th October 2023
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Details of the steps:

First contact

As soon as your project proposal takes shape, contact the Joint Secretariat . This contact will allow us to advise you with regard to the objectives of the Interreg France-Switzerland programme and the prerequisites for setting up the file.

Pre-project file

It is mandatory to submit a pre-project form to the Joint Secretariat, so that an initial analysis of the eligibility of your project can be carried out.

Although it does not constitute a complete grant application file, the pre-project sheet lists the essential elements to properly prepare your project:

  • Main objectives and actions;
  • Partnership and key dates;
  • Budget and financing plan;
  • Cross-border added value.

Project leaders are invited to submit their pre-project sheets as they arise. However, it is a question of respecting the deadlines of deposit indicated above so that your project can be officially integrated into the circuit of instruction.

Closing of submission of the file

If the project is deemed eligible by the Joint Secretariat, you will be invited to submit your complete file officially through the Synergie-CTE application.


The instruction goes through a pre-committee stage, then ends when the projects are presented at the political level to the Monitoring Committee, which decides on their possible programming.

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