Call for projects

Continuously open call

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The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic announces a call for applications for the provision of subsidies from the state budget for the co-financing of projects approved under the European Territorial Cooperation – Interreg 2021–2027 programs.

The call is aimed at co-financing the activities of Czech leading partners/main beneficiaries and project partners involved in projects that will receive support from the European Territorial Cooperation – Interreg 2021–2027 programs.
The call is ongoing for the entire program period and will end on December 31, 2029.

Please note that the Application for the provision of a subsidy from the state budget can be submitted in accordance with the conditions of the call for the  Interreg Austria – Czech Republic 2021-2027 program at the earliest after the signing of the Agreement on the provision of funds from the ERDF and at the latest on the date of submission of the monitoring report with the first expenditures.

You can find the link here

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