Call for projects

Call for proposals for small and medium sized enterprises – SKHU/1801

Call for proposals for small and medium sized enterprises – SKHU/1801

Continuously open call

Website of the call
link to www.skhu.eu19

  • Application starts on 6th April 2018
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The Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office acting as the Managing Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic acting as the National Authority are announcing the Call for proposals in the frame of the first priority axis – Increasing the attractiveness of the border area – of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme. The amount of the financial allocation for the present call is 10 000 000 EUR. 

The call for proposals aims to involve the members of the non-profit sector and local micro, small and medium sized enterprises as well coming from both member states.

The call is continuously open from 6th April 2018 until 125% of the Call`s financial allocation is reached by the submitted applications. The submitted Applications will be continuously assessed (on “first-submitted-first-assessed” basis) after every four weeks-period.

For detailed description of the CfP, including eligibility and submission rules, furthermore information on the selection process, please consult the Applicants’ Manual. If you wish to download the whole application package please click on the file or download the documents one by one.

Please note that the online application surface of IMIS 2014-2020 will be available soon. Until then please download the Application form template in pdf format available as part of the Applicant`s package in order to start the development of your project idea. This is only a sample, a draft version of the Application form. The final document will be generated automatically by the IMIS 2014-2020 after uploading all necessary project data. We will inform the public about the opening of IMIS 2014-2020 on the present website and on our social media surfaces.

During the application phase Info days will be organized both in Slovakia and Hungary, which we will publish on the website in due time. Please see more info in the attached documents and the FAQ section.

We wish you successful application.

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