Call for projects

4th call for modular projects – restricted for transfer and mainstream projects

4th call for modular projects – restricted for transfer and mainstream projects

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 15th December 2020

Website of the call
link to interreg-med.eu23

  • Deadline for application 15th December 2020
  • Application starts on 1st October 2010
    • Low-carbon economy
      • Investment priority 4A

      • Investment priority 4B

      • Investment priority 4C

      • Investment priority 4E

      • Investment priority 4F

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The 4th call for modular projects is open from the 1st October 2020 at noon (metropolitan France local time) to the 15th of December 2020 at noon (metropolitan France local time).

This call is targeted to the programme priority axis 2, S.O.2.1. Energy efficiency in buildings and S.O.2.2. Renewable Energy and restricted to the transfer or mainstreaming of shortlisted outputs of finalised Interreg MED projects.

The indicative financial allocation for this call is about 4M€ (ERDF + IPA + national co-financing).

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  • Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública

  • Dirección General de Fondos Europeos - Subdirección General de Cooperacion Territorial Europea
  • Interreg Euro-MED Managing Authority (MA)

  • Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
    27, Place Jules Guesde
    13481 MARSEILLE Cedex 20

    Contact: Ms Tarja RICHARD – Director
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