Call for projects

Experimental call

Experimental call

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 5th July 2019

Website of the call
link to www.interreg-central.eu31

  • Deadline for application 5th July 2019
  • Application starts on 4th March 2019
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The fourth and the last Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Call for project proposals will be a small experiment!

We believe that cooperation beyond our Interreg community is central for taking forward the results of our currently funded Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects.

Project ideas have to build on complementing results and outputs from at least 3 different projects co-financed by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE and directly-managed EU programmes such as Horizon 2020, LIFE, Connecting Europe Facility, etc. At least two of the projects have to be Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects.

The call will be open to seven topics

  1. Industry 4.0/advanced manufacturing
  2. Social entrepreneurship
  3. Energy efficient renovation of public building in cities
  4. Low carbon mobility and urban air quality
  5. Climate change adaptation and risk prevention
  6. Cultural heritage sites & buildings at risk
  7. Accessibility of peripheral and border regions to TEN-T and CNC

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