Call for projects

Fourth call for projects is now open

Fourth call for projects is now open

Deadline by 2nd December 2024

Website of the call
link to www.interregmeuserhine.eu33

  • Deadline for application 2nd December 2024
  • Application starts on 1st October 2024
    • A smarter Europe – innovative and smart economic transformation
      • RSO 1.1 Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies

      • RSO 1.2 Reaping the benefits of digitisation for citizens, companies, research organisations and public authorities

      • RSO 1.3 Enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments

      • RSO 1.4 Developing skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship

      • RSO 1.5 Enhancing digital connectivity

    • A greener, low-carbon Europe
      • RSO 2.1 Energy efficiency

      • RSO 2.2 Renewable energy

      • RSO 2.3 Developing smart energy systems, grids and storage outside the Trans-European Energy Network (TEN-E)

      • RSO 2.4 Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches

      • RSO 2.5 Promoting access to water and sustainable water management

      • RSO 2.6 Circular economy

      • RSO 2.7 Biodiversity and green infrastructure

      • RSO 2.8 Urban mobility

    • A more social Europe implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights
      • RSO 4.1 Enhancing the effectiveness and inclusiveness of labour markets and access to quality employment through developing social infrastructure and promoting social economy

      • RSO 4.2 Improving equal access education, training and lifelong

      • RSO 4.3 Promoting the socioeconomic inclusion

      • RSO 4.4 Promoting the socio-economic integration of third country nationals

      • RSO 4.5 Ensuring equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems

      • RSO 4.6 Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism

    • A better cooperation governance
      • RSO 6.1 Enhance the institutional capacity of public authorities

      • RSO 6.2 Enhance efficient public administration

      • RSO 6.3 Build up mutual trust

      • RSO 6.4 Enhance institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies

      • RSO 6.5 enhance sustainable democracy and support civil society actors and their role in reforming processes and democratic transitions

      • RSO 6.6 Other actions to support better cooperation governance

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Our fourth call for proposals was launched on 01 October, 2024. The call opens in two steps, in the first step you can introduce your general project idea until December 2, 2024. The call budget will be around 37 million Euros. In an event two weeks ago in Eupen, anyone interested in the call could get a first insight into the cornerstones of the call. You can still find the presentations of the event in our download section.


The fourth call for projects will cover a wide-range of topics and is open to initiatives that tackle one of the following topics together with a cross-border team:

  • Industrial transition;
  • Green transformation;
  • Social challenges such as labour market and education topics;
  • Healthier citizens;
  • Tourism in a high-quality region.

The Meuse-Rhine area is facing numerous challenges that know no borders. Climate change, social pressures and the need to transition to a carbon-free and digital economy have only accelerated lately. Our border region has to adapt in many ways and they urgently need financial support for this.

Submitted project ideas are expected to develop, test and implement innovative solutions through cross-border cooperation that meet the needs on the ground – in all programme funding priorities and specific objectives. Particularly important is that they have a true cross-border quality, contribute to the funding goals, and generate an economic impact for the cross-border region of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.


The call for projects is structured in two stages. The first step represents a short application. For the short application, the project will be checked according to the grant eligibility requirements and assessed on the selection criteria. The projects will be informed about the decision and possibly receive recommendations to improve their application.

Those projects passing the first step will be invited to the second stage for this call. In the second phase, projects can elaborate on their project idea into a full application.

During the entire application phase, we recommend that projects stay in close contact with the Regional Antenna of their region. These are the experts who can offer you tips and tricks for your application.

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