Call for projects

Second Call for Project in Central Europe

Second Call for Project in Central Europe

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 27th October 2017

Website of the call
link to www.interreg-central.eu31

  • Deadline for application 27th October 2017
  • Application starts on 2nd October 2017
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The Interreg Central Europe Programme builds on four priorities of particular relevance to central Europe. These are further broken down to 10 specific objectives that respond to the programme area’s challenges:

  • Priority 1: Cooperating on innovation to make CENTRAL EUROPE more competitive
  • Priority 2: Cooperating on low-carbon strategies in CENTRAL EUROPE
  • Priority 3: Cooperating on natural and cultural resources for sustainable growth in CENTRAL EUROPE
  • Priority 4: Cooperating on transport to better connect CENTRAL EUROPE

The third Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Call maintains a focus: Five specific objectives will be fully open to cooperation ideas, four specific objectives will be focused on exclusive topics. More information are available on the call website.

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