Call for projects

Targeted call for standard project proposals No 07/2019

Targeted call for standard project proposals No 07/2019

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 15th March 2019

Website of the call
link to www.ita-slo.eu22

  • Deadline for application 15th March 2019
  • Application starts on 14th January 2019
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The Call for standard projects proposals No 07/2018 of the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia programme is now open. This is the seventh call of the Programme and its notice is also published on the Official Bulletin of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia No 2 dated 9th January 2019.

Information and documents related to this Call are available in Italian and Slovene language only at the following webpages:

See the documentation in Italian language

See the documentation in Slovenian language

Projects have to apply a result oriented approach, be compliant to the Programme intervention logic and relevant for the fulfilment of indicators.
Applicants are invited to submit their project application addressing only one of specific objectives/Investment Priority laid down in the Call and to contribute to the achievement of the OUTPUT indicators, by meeting the minimum requirements described under each specific objectives/Investment Priority.

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  • Slovene Info Point

  • +386 5 7318 533
  • MINISTRY OF COHESION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Interreg and Financial Mechanisms Office - Interreg Division - Štanjel Regional Office
    Štanjel 1a, 6222
    Štanjel - Slovenia
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Regione - Central Directorate for Finance - Accounting Unit

  • +39 040 377 5974
  • via del Lavatoio 1
    I-34132 Trieste, Italy
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