Celebrate Interreg Cooperation Day 2024

From July to October, discover the impact of Interreg by attending one of the many events organised across Europe for Interreg Cooperation Day. Yes, you read that right. Interreg Cooperation Day officially takes place on September 21 but has expanded into a celebration that lasts several months.

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Interreg is dedicated to fostering cooperation across borders. To celebrate, thousands of people across Europe are preparing an impressive program featuring cultural celebrations, leisure activities, and sports spanning the entire continent.

This year’s campaign focuses on EU values, showcasing how cross-border and transnational programmes help overcoming borders, promoting unity and progress across Europe.

Interreg Cooperation Day campaign serves as a reminder of the positive outcomes that arise when we join forces. In previous years, people from all over have come together in various ways: cycling, singing, eating, and enjoying each other’s company during hundreds of events organised by EU cooperation programmes in more than 30 countries.

Don’t miss out – learn more and join the celebration!

Organise your own activity

If you’re an Interreg Programme interested in organising an activity within the framework of this campaign, visit: https://interact.eu/news/93