Interreg Cooperacion Birdwatching Event in Serbia

Join us for a unique birdwatching event on October 5 and 6, as part of the Interreg Hungary-Serbia program’s GRASSLANDBIRDS project. This initiative invites nature enthusiasts to observe the incredible migration of birds as millions leave their nesting habitats in Europe for their wintering grounds in the Mediterranean or Africa.

The event will take place at the Special Nature Reserve Zasavica, located about 90 km west of Belgrade. Participants can expect to see a significantly greater variety of bird species during this migration period, making it the central birdwatching event in Serbia for 2024.

The GRASSLANDBIRDS project is implemented by the Society for the Protection and Study of Birds of Serbia and the Hungarian Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature (BirdLife Hungary). Together, they aim to raise public awareness about the importance of protecting migratory birds and their habitats, highlighting the collaborative spirit of the Interreg program in environmental conservation.

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