Interreg Cooperation Day Challenge in Central Baltic

The Interreg Central Baltic programme, as part of Interreg Cooperation Day, is launching the Central Baltic Cooperation Challenge. This initiative aims to bring participants together to collectively cover 1,450 kilometers, representing the distance between the programme's national contact points.

The challenge is open to individuals within the Central Baltic programme area, including Finland (with Åland), Sweden, Estonia, and Latvia. Participants can engage in activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, or running.

Participation is simple and open to all, regardless of fitness level. To join, you need to create a profile on Challenge Hound, a platform that tracks your activities. No subscription is required, and spots are limited.

To qualify for the prize draw, participants must log at least 20 kilometers using any non-electric sport. Activities can be tracked manually or automatically via compatible apps. Those who reach the 20-kilometer goal by October 19th will be eligible for two prize draws, with GoGift gift cards worth 100€ available to the winners. Additionally, the participant who logs the most kilometers by the deadline will receive a Cooperation Champion Prize.

The challenge will last for four weeks, starting on European Cooperation Day and running until October 19th. It encourages not only physical activity but also cross-border cooperation among participants.

More information here.

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