Interreg Cooperation Day in Ukraine

On October 2, the Department for Coordination of International Technical Assistance of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which performs functions of the National Authority of Interreg Programmes in Ukraine jointly with Cities4Cities initiative will organize the webinar for Ukrainian stakeholders and potential beneficiaries of Interreg Programmes.

Event will be dedicated to the celebration of Interreg Cooperation Day in Ukraine and will promote the outcomes of the projects, implemented in Ukraine since 2014.


During the event, the participants will be able to hear from the representatives of Interreg Programmes, review practical cases of previously implemented projects and get acquainted with the branch offices of the Programmes.


Registration via the link is required —


When: October, 2 10:00–12:30 (Ukraine time)


The event will be held with English-Ukrainian simultaneous interpretation on ZOOM.

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