Interreg North-West Europe project wins the RegioStars Awards 2017!
The project Bio Base NWE, funded by the Interreg North-West Europe Programme 2007-2013, is the winner of the RegioStars Awards 2017 in the category 1: ‘Smart Specialisation for SME innovation’.

The RegioStars Awards identify good practices in regional development and highlight original and innovative projects that are attractive and inspiring to other regions.
You can check all the 2017 winners of the five categories via this link.
The award ceremony took place in Brussels on Tuesday 10 October during the European Week of Regions and Cities 2017.
The Bio Base NWE project
The goal of Bio Base NWE project (2013-2015) was to provide financial, technological, training, networking and political support to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from North-West Europe active in the replacement of non-renewable resources with bio-mass.
Bio Base NWE wanted thus to contribute in transforming North-West Europe into the leading European region in bio-based economy, taking the transition to a sustainable economy as an opportunity to boost the competitiveness of SMEs.