Interreg Slam 2024-2025: Beginning the search for the best stories!

By Rosa Escamilla, Interact Programme

It's time to shine the spotlight on the Interreg Slam 2024-2025! The quest for the best stories has begun.

This year’s theme “Stories of Inclusion and Empowerment,” perfectly reflects Europe’s core values: human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights.

A remarkable number of 39 applications have been received from 18 Interreg programmes across Europe. These submissions present a diverse array of inspiring stories that highlight the transformative power of cross-border and transnational cooperation.

The selection process is currently underway, and a panel of judges is evaluating each application to identify the six most compelling stories.

The announcement of the six finalists will take place by the end of July 2024. The finalists will then embark on the next stage of the competition: creating captivating videos that bring their stories to life.

Stay tuned for further updates on the Interreg Slam 2024-2025 from the Interact Programme.

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