Online consultation on the revision of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Action Plan
The EU Strategy For The Danube Region (EUSDR) is a Macro-Regional Strategy adopted by the European Commission, which covers 14 countries, stretches from the Black Forest (Germany) to the Black Sea (Romania-Bulgaria-Moldova-Ukraine) and is home to 115 million inhabitants.
Macro-regional strategies bring together key stakeholders and coordinate initiatives (including Interreg) in different sectors such as innovation, transport, environment etc. in order to address common challenges. They call for better coordination of policies, closer cooperation between institutions and more efficient use of available funding sources. They also promote projects with a macro-regional impact that stem from joint initiatives.
Context and aim of the consultation
In preparing the new programming period for cohesion 2020+ the EU Strategy for The Danube Region is revising its Action Plan. All actors of EUSDR, National Coordinators, Priority Coordinators and Steering Groups, Stakeholders and experts from our countries and from European Commission Services are currently drafting their inputs for this new Action Plan.
Today, the Romanian EUSDR Presidency and Danube Strategy Point (DSP) launched an online consultation through EUSDR platforms, to involve citizens and civilian organisations in this work. They want these groups to help them update the actions and projects of strategic impact for the Danube Region. (These actions and projects have been included in the EUSDR Action Plan since December 2010.)
The new Plan will be finished by the end of May. In June 2019, at the 8th Annual Forum of EUSDR in Bucharest, the Romanian Presidency will provide space for consultations and a broader exchange between stakeholders, citizens and civilian organisations. Based on inputs from everyone involved in this work, the European Commission will then use the consolidated proposal to draft the New Action Plan. The plan will then be endorsed by the Ministers of the Danube Region in October 2019.
How can you contribute
As the Strategy is a bottom-up process, citizens and civilian organisations of the Danube Macro-Region are welcome to send their proposals for the new Action Plan. So, anyone who would like to participate in the revision process is invited to present his/her ideas.
Your contributions will be most useful to us in updating the Action Plan of the EU Macro-Regional Strategy, to address the main priorities of the Danube Region. You are also welcome to add other relevant topics, or suggest improved approaches.
Please fill in the questionnaire before the 20th May 2019. Also, kindly add your e-mail address so we can invite you to the Public Hearing which takes place on 27th June 2019 in Bucharest, and inform you about the result of the consultation.