Latvia – Lithuania – Belarus ENI CBC
- Latvia nuts 3 level
- Latgale
- Zemgale
- More details about Latvia
- Lithuania nuts 3 level
- Alytaus apskritis
- Kauno apskritis
- Panevėžio apskritis
- Utenos apskritis
- Vilniaus apskritis
- More details about Lithuania
- Latvia nuts 3 level
Following the Russian military aggression on Ukraine, and in line with the decision of the European Commission to suspend cooperation with Russia and Belarus, a meeting was held in Brussels to explore ways to continue the implementation of concerned ENI CBC programmes.
As a result, it was understood that the EU beneficiaries can carry on the project operations, whereas the activities and financial flows on the Russian and Belarusian side have to be suspended.
Further information will be provided in due course
The European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus 2014-2020 continues successful partnership of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarusian organisations.
The goal of the Programme is to strengthen relations, raise capacities and share experience among people and organisations from Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus through the implementation of joined actions aimed at increasing the overall quality of life in the border regions.
The programme supports joint projects under the following thematic objectives and priorities:
1. Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty:
1.1. Enhancing the access to social and other services for vulnerable groups;
1.2. Stimulating employment through entrepreneurship and innovations.
2. Support to local and regional good governance:
2.1. Increasing capacity of local and regional authorities to tackle common challenges;
2.2. Strengthening society.
3. Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage:
3.1. Promoting and preserving the cultural and historical heritage and traditional skills.
4. Promotion of border management and border security:
4.1. Enhancing border-crossing efficiency.
Projects shall involve beneficiaries coming from at least one of the participating EU Member States (Latvia or Lithuania) and Belarus. Each organisation must be a legal non-profit entity from the following regions: Latgale and Zemgale regions in Latvia; Panevezys, Utena, Vilnius, Kaunas and Alytus counties in Lithuania; Mogilev, Vitebsk, Grodno and Minsk regions and Minsk city in Belarus.
The European Union funding will constitute 90% of the total eligible costs of each project selected for funding.
- +370 5 261 0477
- Konstitucijos av. 7,
LT-09308, Vilnius,
fax: +370 5 261 0498 Auksė Bernadišienė, Director of the Joint Technical Secretariat
- +370 614 32130
Birutė Isella, Head of Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus cooperation programmes division
- +370 645 06160
Valerija Machnorylova, Senior Communication Manager
- +370 614 32124
Aira Ilčiukienė, Public procurement specialist / Project manager
- +370 645 06159
Dzmitry Sharko, Project Manager
- +370 645 06164
Jurgita Rosinskienė, Project Manager
- +370 645 06169
Tatsiana Lahuta Kuru, Project Manager
- +370 645 06176
Miglė Misevičienė, Project Manager
- +370 645 06173
Līga Upeniece Project Manager
- +370 645 06189
Eta Nikolajeva, Financial Manager
- +370 645 06166
Ilona Juchno, Financial Manager
- +370 645 06168
Kristina Šablinskienė, Financial Manager
- +370 645 06171
Hanna Slukvina, Financial Manager
- +370 645 06167
Žydrūnė Birbilienė, Chief Accountant - accounting and general affairs division head of the Joint Technical Secretariat
- +370 608 99150
Neringa Orlaitė Accountant / Personnel Manager of the Joint Technical Secretariat
- +370 608 99067
Lauryna Ragaišienė, Office Administrator
- +370 5 261 0477
- Address: Saules street 15, 3rd floor, Daugavpils, Latvia
Lolita Čepurnaja, Information Specialist
- +371 654 20977mob.: +371 254 69888
Regional Policy Department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
- Šventaragio 2,
LT-01510 Vilnius,
Lithuania Deimantė Jankūnaitė
- +370 5 271 8966