Interreg Amazonia
- France nuts 3 level
- Guyane
- More details about France
- France nuts 3 level
- Non EU cooperation area 3 countries
- Brazil Amazonas,Pará,Amapa
- Guyana
- Suriname
The transnational programme, dedicated to establishing and/or strengthening cooperation with Guyana, Amazonas and Pará, will prioritize research and networking activities.
Examples of actions by axis for the transnational aspect:
Transport development
- Studies on the development potential of fluvial transport of passengers and goods between the territories of the cooperation area
- Studies on regional cabotage (of goods and passengers)
- Exchanges of experiences and training on port trades
- Studies on the development of transit zones in airports
- Studies on the consolidation of existing airlines
- Studies on the feasibility and conditions for the creation of airlines between the territories of the cooperation zone (in particular with Guyana)
- Meetings, forums, transnational symposiums on the coordination of transport supply
Biodiversity and cultures
- Harmonization of environmental rules
- R & D projects for the valorization of natural resources
- Projects to reduce GHG emissions
- Research projects in the humanities and social sciences
- Mutualization of university training modules
- Publication of collective works in the different languages of the Program
- Networking Resource Centers on Common Cultural Heritage.
Health and social
- Exchange of good practices and development of distance medicine Forums, symposiums or public research seminars aimed at disseminating and promoting knowledge on common health and social issues
- Development of tools for networking, data sharing and exchanges between transnational actors involved
- Studies and diagnoses on the conditions and possibilities of trade and establishment of companies
- Support for company, EPCI or interprofessional participation at international fairs
- Support for networking of innovation and entrepreneurship actors
- Collaborative projects involving research, training and business actors
Pôle Affaires Européennes
- +594 27 59 50
- 2260, route de la Madeleine
97300 Cayenne
Delphine Lasselin
- Conseil Régional de Guyane
Cité administrative régionale
F-97300 Cayenne