Call for projects

2nd Call for proposals

2nd Call for proposals

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 11th May 2018

Website of the call
link to www.ipa-cbc-007.eu26

  • Deadline for application 11th May 2018
  • Application starts on 9th February 2018
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The Second Call for project proposals under the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Bulgaria- former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Programme  with aim to improve the cross-border cooperation between two countries was announced on the 09.02.2018. The Programme is co-financed from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance II (IPA II) of the European Union.

The overall objective of the Programme is to intensify cross-border cooperation between the people and institutions of the region in order to jointly address common challenges and exploit untapped potentials for development of the border region through effective use of resources.

The total amount allocated to the Second Call for proposals is € 6 917 631.00.

Project proposals would have to target one of the following Priority Axes and specific objectives under the Programme:

  • Priority Axis 1: ENVIRONMENT
    • Specific objective 1.1: Environmental protection and sustainable use of the common natural resources of the CBC area;
    • Specific objective 1.2: Prevention and mitigation of consequences of natural and man-caused disasters of cross-border dimension and impact.
  • Priority Axis 2: TOURISM
    • Specific objective 2.1: Enhancing the tourism potential of the region through cooperation initiatives in better preservation and sustainable utilization of natural and cultural heritage;
    • Specific objective 2.2: Raising the competitiveness of the CBC region’s tourist offer;
    • Specific objective 2.3: Promoting cooperation among regional actors in the area of sustainable tourism.
  • Priority Axis 3: COMPETITIVENESS
    • Specific objective 3.1: Improving the competitiveness of regional businesses.

The key objective of the Programme is to raise the capacity of the local and regional authorities in the development and implementation of joint projects in the eligible cross-border region, defined in the Programme as follows:

  • For Republic of Bulgaria (administrative level NUTS III) – districts of Kyustendil and Blagoevgrad;
  • For former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (administrative level, NUTS III equivalent) – North-East planning region, East planning region and South-East planning region.

The full package of documents, including the Guidelines for Applicants is published and can be found on the following websites:


The deadline for submission of project proposals is 11 May 2018, 17:00 h. local time in Bulgaria (EET). The project proposal must be submitted entirely in electronic form using the Electronic System at the following address:

A campaign for information and support of applicants is going to be organized in the upcoming months in the Republic of Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The dates and venues of the information events are going to be announced soon on the web site of the Programme (

You can contact the Joint Secretariat of the Programme for additional information:

  • Main office in Kyustendil: tel. +359 (0)78 58 01 01; +359 (0)78 55 11 83/5,
  • Branch office in Strumica: tel. +389 34 330 331.
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  • Branch office Strumitsa

  • + 389 (0)34 330 331
  • Strumica, 2400 NN Blagoja Muceto street fl.2
    Army House (City Park) Strumica
  • Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria Directorate of Territorial Cooperation Management

  • Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

    “Stefan Karadzha” str. № 9
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