Call for projects

5th call

5th call

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 15th October 2019

Website of the call
link to centralbaltic.eu24

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What is funded?

  • For this call all Specific Objectives (SOs) are open for applications.
  • In total, at least 12m euros are available in four priorities.
  • The exact amount of available funding will be influenced by returning funds from implementing projects.

The ERDF support rate for partners from Estonia and Latvia is 85% and for partners from Finland and Sweden is 75%. However, take into account that the overall ERDF support on project level is limited to 81%.


  • One-step call, eMS open for applications 15.8.-15.10.2019, 15:00 Finnish time
  • JS assessment from October to December 2019​
  • Funding decisions January 2020
  • Projects can start on 1st of February 2020
  • Projects can continue implementation until 31 December 2022.
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  • c/o Regional Council of Southwest Finland

  • +358 40 550 8408
  • Visiting address: Linnankatu 52 B, Turku, Finland
    Mailing address: P.O. Box 273, 20101 Turku, Finland!
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