Call for projects

9th call for project proposals

9th call for project proposals

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 14th June 2019

Website of the call
link to www.nweurope.eu23

  • Deadline for application 14th June 2019
  • Application starts on 12th December 2018
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The ninth call for project proposals is now open until the 14 June 2019.

We are looking for transnational cooperation initiatives that can deliver concrete results for the North-West Europe area. If you have an idea that could make one of our programme objectives a reality, contact one of your contact points and start developing your proposal now!

Thematic focus

The current call for proposals is only open to priority 1 and priority 3 of the NWE Programme. Each of these priorities has one specific objective. Transnational partnerships are therefore invited to submit their project application under one of these two priorities.

Priority 1: Innovation
Specific Objective 1: To enhance innovation performance of enterprises throughout NWE regions.

Priority 3: Resource and materials efficiency
Specific Objective 5: To optimise (re)use of material and natural resources in NWE.

Within priority 1, and without excluding in any way other relevant topics for this priority, the NWE programme would welcome in particular projects dealing with:

  • Social innovation (please see guidance note), including projects adressing the migration related challenge, focusing on the integration of recognised refugees on the mid and long-term, in particular in the domain of entrepreneurship, employment and access to the labour market.
  • Innovative products, processes and technologies contributing to CO2 reduction and the green economy, including green transport, in line with the big societal challenges addressed by the Paris Agreement.

Within priority 3, the NWE programme is specifically interested in projects focusing on circular economy.

More detailed information concerning this call is available in the Terms of Reference of Call 9.

NWE Programme status (October 2018)

Since the beginning of the programming period in 2014, 55 projects were approved (21 on Innovation, 23 on Low Carbon and 11 on Resource & Materials Efficiency) and €177 million have been allocated to these projects. This does not take into account on-going development of projects from calls 7 and 8.

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  • Get the up-to-date individual contact details on the Interreg NWE website at:
    • Contact point Flanders

    • Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship / Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen. Entiteit Europa Economie – EFRO
      Address: Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 12, 1030 Brussels
    • Contact point Brussels-Capital

    • Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels International
      Address: Place Saint-Lazare 2 ,1035 Brussels
    • Contact point Wallonia

    • Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI)
      Address: Place Sainctelette, 2 1080 Brussels
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