Call for projects

Second call for applications (core projects)

Second call for applications (core projects)

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 14th March 2023

Website of the call
link to interreg-baltic.eu26

  • Deadline for application 14th March 2023
  • Application starts on 20th October 2022
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Second call for applications for core projects is open in seven Programme objectives: 1.1 Resilient economies and communities, 1.2 Responsive public services, 2.1 Sustainable waters, 2.2 Blue economy, 3.1 Circular economy 3.2 Energy transition 3.3 Smart green mobility.

Deadline for submitting obligatory Project Idea Forms is 14 February 2023. Deadline for submitting full applications is 14 March 2023 (16:00 CET). 

More information you can find at the gateway for applicants at

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