North-West Europe is one of the highest energy consuming regions in the EU and faces a number of energy-related challenges, including the low share of renewables in the production and consumption mix and NWE’s strong dependence on non-renewable energy sources. NWE regions thus need to improve renewable energy distribution and generation infrastructure to reach the EU 2030 targets and to reduce GHG emissions.
In this context, in 2018 the NWE Programme launched a targeted call to support projects that contribute to increasing the share of renewable energy supply and demand in North-West Europe.
For project activities, the Programme is particularly looking for projects that deal with demonstration, implementation and roll-out, and contribute to one of the Specific Objectives of Priority 2: Low carbon. Thus, all guiding principles mentioned in the Cooperation Programme under each Specific Objective apply.
Funding available
Over the lifetime of the programme, €372 million of ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) will be allocated to the most qualitative and innovative projects.
For this call, a maximum of € 50m ERDF is available under Priority 2 Low Carbon.
All projects need to be secure match-funding prior to approval. The maximum ERDF grant rate for partners is 60% of the total project budget. The partnership will need to provide the remainder.
This call for proposals opened on the 24th of January, and is organised according to a one-step procedure. For a detailed description of the application and selection process, see the Programme Manual as well as the Manual on the application procedure specific to this targeted call.
Applicants for the call are invited to submit a full application form which includes all the details on the project’s intended change and result, the full partnership, the project work plan and budget. Project proposals must be submitted in English and only through the Interreg NWE portal (eMS).