Call for projects

The ENI CBC Med Programme launches a new call for proposals: €11 million to finance capitalisation projects

The ENI CBC Med Programme launches a new call for proposals: €11 million to finance capitalisation projects

*** This call is closed ***

Deadline by 28th July 2020

Website of the call
link to www.enicbcmed.eu24

  • Deadline for application 28th July 2020
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The objective of the call for capitalisation projects is to foster the transfer, exploitation and mainstreaming of knowledge and results developed under different Euro-Mediterranean initiatives. This includes the ENPI/ENI CBC Med Programmes, the Union for the Mediterranean and the Interreg MED Programme.

For this last call under the 2014-2020 period, the Programme has decided to focus on capitalisation. This innovative process aims at enabling the uptake of the results of a series of different projects/programmes/initiatives by identifying successful and efficient practices, ensuring their promotion, dissemination, replication and mainstreaming in public policies.

Considering the current context marked by COVID-19 pandemic and in view of the global economic downturn, applicants are encouraged to develop actions that can foster the socio-economic regeneration across the Mediterranean area, in terms of:

  • Job and business creation;
  • Transition to carbon-neutral economies;
  • Efficient delivery of social care services;
  • Support to the most vulnerable people.

To maximise the impact of the projects to be funded, all 4 thematic objectives and 11 priorities of the Programme are addressed by the call.

For more details click on the link above.

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    • Ministry of Finance and Public Administration
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  • Ministère de l’investissement, du développement et de la coopération internationale

  • 98 Avenue Mohamed V
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  • Regione Autonoma della Sardegna - Direzione generale dei Servizi Finanziari dell’Assessorato della Programmazione, Bilancio, Credito e Assetto del territorio - Servizio Certificazione PO FESR – FSE – FSC e Autorità di Audit PO ENI CBC Med

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