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Interreg Highlights

Have you ever wondered what Interreg is doing near you?

From July to October, discover the impact of Interreg by attending one of the many events organised across Europe for Interreg Cooperation Day. Yes, you read that right. Interreg Cooperation Day officially takes place on

Are there Interreg cooperation hubs in Europe?

By Rafael Agostinho and Eva Martínez

For more than thirty years, Interreg has been enabling regions to work with each other across borders. Some have been cooperating more intensely than others. What makes them special and how can we see the

Interreg helps advance the Baltic Sea macro-region

By Elena Kolosova and Anna Gałyga

Why play alone if we can play together? For over a decade, the Baltic Sea Region Programme and the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region have been working in a strong and unique partnership

Building a new life on the border

By Katrin Juhanson, Estonia-Latvia programme

Three years ago, Jevgenia started a new life in Valka, a Latvian town on the border with Estonia. Valka’s city center and Jevgenia’s café have bloomed together in the past years, with the boost of

How I discovered the digital world at 77

By Miklos Bodonczi

Keeping up with innovation and the newest devices and technologies can be done in many ways. A lot depends on each individual’s situation, as we all have our unique perspective. At 77, Istvánné Lázár is

How an American girl became Polish

By Przemysław Joppek and Andrzej Krause, Goleniów commune office

This is the story of how an old railway ramp where the Germans and Poles were forcibly resettled after the World War II became a cultural center and a workplace for an eternally smiling American,

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