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Interreg Highlights

Alice Crocco and her colleague Vito during the meeting interviewing EWA partner

Seven Mediterranean countries unite to tackle urban water problems

By Alice Crocco

Severe droughts and water shortages are becoming alarmingly common in the Mediterranean region, driven by the accelerating impacts of climate change. The URWAN project (Urban Regenerative Water Avant-garde (N)), supported by the Interreg EURO-med programme,

Have you ever wondered what Interreg is doing near you?

From July to October, discover the impact of Interreg by attending one of the many events organised across Europe for Interreg Cooperation Day. Yes, you read that right. Interreg Cooperation Day officially takes place on

Are there Interreg cooperation hubs in Europe?

By Rafael Agostinho and Eva Martínez

For more than thirty years, Interreg has been enabling regions to work with each other across borders. Some have been cooperating more intensely than others. What makes them special and how can we see the

Cross-border cooperation when floods cross borders

By Carla Guimarães and Michal Pavlik

In April 2006, a devastating spring flood occurred in the Danube River Basin. In Dolj County of Romania on the border with Bulgaria, a dam collapsed due to the rising waters of the Danube, causing widespread damage with hundreds of households destroyed.

(Energy) Efficiency first

By Vinicius Valente and Femke Boersma

Initiatives aimed at increasing energy efficiency often go hand-in-hand with the promotion of renewable energy, which tends to stand centre stage. Using resources more efficiently is, however, key to meet Europe’s climate objectives.

Interreg’s support for a sustainable and competitive tourism

By Laurence Moureh-Ledig

The tourism industry has been hit with a number of hurdles: from the COVID-19 pandemic to environmental threats and mass tourism impacting local communities and threatening fragile entire ecosystems, especially in coastal and mountain zones.

Small cities standing together towards energy transition

By Michal Pavlik and Magaly Dao

The famous notion “think global – act local” has been used in various contexts but nowhere it is more accurate than when it comes to tackling climate change. But what can be actually done locally,

Together with nature for healthier landscapes

By Dana Kascakova and Christina-Maria Bateka

Life as we know it is under immense pressure from climate change and other human-made threats. Experts warn that ecosystems are deteriorating more rapidly than ever. This is an enormous challenge, which can only be achieved when regions and cities in Europe join forces and get the right people on board.

Thinking circular: when waste becomes raw material

By Clotilde Mahé, Miriam Stuhlmueller and Michela Gaifami

What do a brewery, a data centre and a chicken farm have in common? They belong to the same value chain! An unusual combination, don’t you think?

Kids in Denmark become filmmakers for European Cooperation Day

By Marie Schlünsen

Tuesday September 28, at 17:00 in the Library in Viborg, Denmark, the red carpet was out and the popcorn ready for the premiere of 12 short animated films made by 38 children aged 8-10 from Friskolen in Viborg. The room was full and buzzing with expectation and excitement.

Renewable energy sources at your doorstep

By Michela Gaifami, Clotilde Mahé and Miriam Stuhlmueller

On 5th August 2016, an underwater electricity cable broke a couple of kilometres off Inis Mór, one of the Aran Islands (Ireland), plunging the islanders into darkness for 4 days. The broadband was affected, medications in the fridge had to be binned and quantities of frozen food had to be thrown away.

Pumping up a greener transport in Europe with Hydrogen

By Carla Guimarães and Vinicius Valente

The European Green Deal aims at reducing 90% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. One of its main objectives is to increase the use of clean vehicles and alternative fuels, such as hydrogen.

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